Home security is of utmost importance for many homeowners. By installing adequate measures, they can ensure the wellbeing of both you and your family members while giving you peace of mind.
But common home security mistakes can make it easy for intruders to break in, and these quick, cost-effective tips may help stop this from happening.
1. Keep Your Doors and Windows Locked
Maintaining the security of your home requires both everyday activities and installing security features. Close your curtains at night and keep an eye out for spare keys; both can make an important contribution towards protecting your family home.
Keep shrubbery and trees near windows and doors trimmed, especially those near windows and doors. Burglars often use shrubs or tall grass as cover when breaking into homes.
Make sure that ladders, pry bars, large screwdrivers, hammers and any other tools that could be used to break into your home are secured or stored away safely.
Before moving into your new home, be sure to change the locks so as not to leave behind old owner’s key(s). This will provide peace of mind knowing your home is secure and can even provide guests with temporary passcode access if desired. Smart locks offer further convenience allowing guests temporary entry passcode access as an added measure of protection.
2. Turn Off the Lights
Unsurprisingly, brightly lit homes can be burglars’ worst nightmare. Thieves prefer hiding in shadows to avoid detection; thus making brightly illuminated areas harder for them to move around in and conceal their activities.
Trimming shrubs and bushes is another effective way to eliminate hiding spots for criminals. Overgrown bushes may provide cover near doors and windows; by regularly trimming your plants, criminals have less hiding places while trying to gain entry to your property.
Smart lights provide an entranceway with illumination that gives an indication that someone is home, providing peace of mind while you’re away from your family and home. Some models even come equipped with motion detectors that sound when activated – perfect for keeping both you and your loved ones safe when away. A video doorbell may help deter porch pirates by showing who is outside before opening the door!
3. Keep Pets Inside
Dogs are one of the best deterrents against burglars. Consider investing in training to teach your canine to bark when strangers enter your property and provide plenty of outdoor activity to ensure his happiness.
Secure your garage and shed to avoid the storage of ladders, lawn & garden equipment or bicycles that could breach home security. If your pet is alone at home for long stretches of time, consider investing in a monitored smart system which allows you to open windows & doors remotely and video chat with them remotely.
4. Install Sensors
Every year, thousands of homes are burglarized – an alarming statistic which should serve as a reminder that any home can become the target of unwanted intruders. Although people might assume burglaries only occur in “bad neighborhoods”, any home can fall prey to an unwanted visitor.
To prevent this from happening, it’s vital that your home is secured with sensors for windows and doors that will alert you as soon as they’re opened, scaring off intruders while providing you with notice of something going amiss.
Use smart home systems to make it appear like the house is occupied while you’re not around, such as switching on lights and TVs while you’re away. Just be sure to test its sensitivity level first to avoid an alert going off every time a rabbit or cat walks by, which could cause residents or neighbors to disregard it as an unnecessary nuisance.
5. Install Alarms
Home burglaries occur more frequently than many realize and can often be avoided through simple measures. Installing an effective security system is one of the best investments you can make for peace of mind and is sure to protect against home intrusions.
An alarm system should sound loud enough to deter would-be burglars while also alerting neighbors or passersby that something is amiss. Some alarms even feature smart technology which allows parents or pet parents to check up on children or animals when away and send SOS alerts right from their phones!
Finally, keep in mind that installing fake security signs will only give the impression that your house is unoccupied and invite burglars inside. Instead, install smart lighting with scheduling and away modes for extra protection from criminals.