For people who want to look after their health without leaving home, a home gym is always the ideal option. Some turn their spare rooms into home gyms, while others dubbed their garages or sheds a fitness studio.
When creating the ideal home gym, certain factors need to be taken into consideration.
Plenty of people have home gyms in their garage, their living room, or in a spare room, often just cobbling together equipment as they go (just look at Jujimufu!). Planning is pretty important to make sure that you utilise your space effectively – make sure all equipment is practical and functional, and that the room feels welcoming.
One issue to take into consideration when buying home workout equipment is limited space. It is wise to take advantage of multifunctional home fitness equipments since they can deal with more than one purpose, and it will save space and money in a longer span of time. To sum up, if someone purchases mufti functional equipments, it might save both money in future and convenience.
An adjustable bench can be used to perform preacher curls, incline presses and chest supported rows, and single-use machines (such as leg presses) can take up space you can’t afford to waste. Go for an all-in-one home fitness solution like Tonal, which can replace more than 12 pieces of gym equipment and still leave plenty of floor space for movement.
When designing a home gym, the user should be kept in mind when choosing equipment because the pieces and pieces picked for someone focused on cardiovascular fitness training shouldn’t be chosen for someone whose goals are focused on strength training and vice versa.
Ideally, it should be rudimentary but versatile home gym equipment – something that could be used for multiple exercises, be easy to assemble and deconstruct for storage and cleaning, and be robust enough not to break when you’re tense and breathing rapidly but with a guarantee in case it does.
This makes resistance training one of the most efficient ways to: improve strength,health, fitness, skill, power and speed; beget wellness; expand mindfulness; and ensure survival in an unpredictable world. Appropriate space, budget and equipment at home mean that achieving your fitness goals really couldn’t be easier – if you can just stay consistent and make it fun.
Your fitness needs and goals must guide the purchase of home gym equipment, not exercise gimmicks from an ‘As Seen on TV’ catalogue. An intermediate fitness enthusiast might start with a collection of stability balls and foam rollers; an advanced athlete may install a multi-gym.
In addition to choosing equipment that matches your workout personality, you may want to take it a step further, adding alternatively instead of decor pieces, such as photos of your kids or an inspirational poster reading ‘attachment is essential’ to the machine to motivate you to return to the gym. For example, framing photos could provide further motivation.
Don’t forget storage solutions for all your equipment in our gym layout design. Customised cabinets offer storage needs that make sure the gear does not spend its time with you on the floor; a flooring and lighting upgrade can add that touch of style and inspiration to your workout zone to complete your workout goals – contact us today to find the home gym that suits you.
Even though home gym lies are sometimes more attractive than the truth, all safety rules and directions set up by the commercial gyms must be followed. All precautions must be taken with equipment placed in your home in order to avoid injuries.
Floor mats and equipment covers are essential; even better if they are non-skid. The room needs consistent light, especially if you want to do bodyweight exercises with your hands on the floor, or prone work when you can’t see your body in a darkly lit room. Mirrors can make a space seem bigger while also enabling you to see how you are moving.
However, fire safety should be the first priority. You need to make sure that your home gym has fire extinguishers that are set up easily, but also that they are working correctly. The emergency exists should be properly marked and easy to navigate. They should be inspected and maintained from time to time too. Moreover, the insulation would keep up a constant temperature inside of your home gym, and also would stop the condensation, which eventually could cause the barbells and other equipment to rust.